Where to find us
Bucharest, Negustori street
2nd district
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+4 0752 060 197


We offer premium therapeutic services that fit the needs of patients of any age. In our Japanese oriented Centre, highly trained specialists will guide you towards a better life, may that be prevention, treatment, recovery or bettering performance in sports.

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I'm Roxana Necula, 5 DAN Yumeiho, fisiotherapist, international Yumeiho teacher and exclusive Yumeiho representative for Spain.

Over 20 years of experience in the field of manual therapies, 14 years of teaching Yumeiho therapy and a passion for this medical art are the foundations of Yumeiho Center.

For me, Yumeiho represents a way of being, a specifically Japanese philosophy of life based on continuous study, seeking and restoring balance, understanding the mechanisms of healing and living in joy and harmony.

in Bucharest (România), Yumeiho Center is the only Yumeiho clinic focused on both therapy and training.

In Valencia (Spain), our aim is to promote Yumeiho therapy and to develop the first Yumeiho school in Spain.

To practice and receive Yumeiho is to take care of yourself and others. Like any  form of medicine, it is a manifestation of love for people. An exceptional therapy is built up with mastery and knoledge, in a state of inner balance and peace.

About the Team


Overall, the treatment is felt to be deeply relaxing, like after a deep sleep. The effect is often similar to a prolonged meditation, bringing peace and mental clarity.

This feeling occurs especially after your key physical problems have been treated. It is also important to feel comfortable and compatible with this type of therapy.

Muscle tensions do hurt, so because of this you will experiment moderate pain during specific Yumeiho massage maneuvers until muscle relaxation is achieved. The pain will always be tolerable in this case. Please feel free to communicate to your therapist the pressure level you are comfortable with.

Yumeiho is a Japanese therapy composed of specific deep tissue massage, stretching and osteoarticular adjustments. We do NOT only treat isolated pain, but balance the whole body. The cause of the pain is in 90% of cases somewhere other than the painful place. We aim to get your body into the best shape, posturally aligned and optimally flexible.

The treatment is applied over loose clothing.

Effects of the therapy are also pain relief, invigoration, good functioning of the body internal organs; well-being throughout the body, peace of mind.

Yes, it is one of the most effective therapies for spine health and back pain.
Most often back pain is caused by:
⁃ a sedentary lifestyle: sitting in one position for long periods of time, especially with poor posture
⁃ intense sport activities without proper recovery
⁃ postural imbalances: the body does not move harmoniously and wear on the joints is increased
⁃ spine pathologies (discopathy, disc herniations, arthrosis, neuralgia)
⁃ muscle tension due to overall stress
⁃ weight problems which can cause excessive pressure on the spine and joints

It is generally very effective. Yumeiho treats headaches that apears due to muscle tension or postural imbalance and the therapy improves blood flow to the brain.
Bad posture and spinal deformities can over time lead to: Arnold neuralgia, vertebro-basilar syndrome (with blood supply limitation to the brain), high blood pressure, vertigo (dizziness), arthrosis, joint mobility limitation.

The adjustment techniques involve moving 2 joint surfaces, stretching the joint capsule and followed by a sudden thrust (High Velocity Low Amplitude thrust)
The thrust is followed by certain sounds called “clicks” or “cracks”.
The approach and execution of these techniques differ from one type of therapy to another.
Yumeiho adjustments are performed gently, specific to the Japanese way, allowing perfect control of the movement of the joint.
You can read about the effects of adjustments in this article.

They increase joint mobility, reduce muscle spasm and also can reduce neurological inflammation around the joints.
They aim to reduce pain and restore correct joint motion.

No, when performed correctly, by professionals, adjustments do not hurt.
During the execution of the maneuver, the patient must remain relaxed to allow the movement and to avoid unwanted muscle strain. If the patient cannot relax completely, the maneuver will not be performed.

Joint decompression is achieved by eliminating muscle contractions, stretching maneuvers, and especially by postural balancing (through which the elimination of excessive biomechanical stress is actually obtained)
Therefore, the treatment may not contain osteoarticular adjustments, and the focus of the therapy is on balancing soft tissues.

Yes! Your therapist will decide if, when,and what kind of osteoarticular manipulations are useful for you.
Contraindications: unstable and loose joints, advanced arthritic processes, inflammatory processes, traumatized or prosthetic joints. Also, these maneuvers will NOT be applied if the patient clearly expresses their refusal or shows obvious fear.

Yes, a treatment can be complete and effective without any joint adjustment. Moreover, the extraordinary efficiency of the treatment comes mainly from the deep muscle massage, from breaking the adherences (scar tissues) and the biomechanical balancing of the body.
We do not perform or recommend treatments based primarily on adjustments.

Yes, the two therapies are very compatible and optimally complement each other. Inflammation is often global and treating the abdomen can have effects on many osteoarticular problems, especially of the spine.

After the treatment, a state of discomfort can sometimes be felt for 1-2 days, a phenomenon also known as "healing crisis”,
You can experience muscle fever, drowsiness, slight local pain in intensively worked areas of the body. These symptoms are passing. They are caused by the activation of local regeneration mechanisms and the adaptation of body to the postural equilibrium achieved through the treatment.
These phenomena appear usually only after the first 4-5 sessions and especially for patients with serious chronic problems.
If you are concerned about any symptom, talk to your therapist.
After receiving the treatment, good hydration and rest are recommended.

Mobility limitation can have mixed causes: muscle shortening (postural, post-traumatic), arthritic degeneration of the joints, inflammatory processes, genetic bone limitations.
Restoring mobility can be done to a large extent if the limitation is caused, as in most cases, by soft tissues (muscles, fascias, tendons, ligaments). This is done by restoring their normal length and elasticity and decreasing local inflammation.
Mobility is increased through treatment, and be trained within genetic limits.

You can normally resume normal activities within 1-2 days after treatment. It is wise not to practice intense sports activities in order not to bring back the body into a state of biomechanical imbalance. You also need to let the body carry out its triggered regenerative processes.
The pace of returning to or starting intense physical activities will be adapted to each individual case. Talk to your therapist about this.


Customised treatment
You will receive a fully individualised treatment package
The equilibrium clinic
Japanese peace and harmony in the centre of Bucharest
Trained (licensed) therapists
Your treatment will be applied by trained specialists only
Interdisciplinary cooperation
We work in teams with medical professionals
Experienced team
Our therapists are certified.
Traditional therapy
Yumeiho has passed the test of time.

Why Yumeiho?

Yumeiho therapy, who can benefit from it?

If you wish to be in perfect shape and perform best in all that you do, if you want to move freely without being annoyed by unbearable back pains, then Yumeiho therapy will become the partner of your health.
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The importance of a correct posture

A correct posture is important from an aesthetic point of view, most of us might say. Yet, it is also important from a medical point of view.
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Why learn Yumeiho?

It's a natural question, due to the fact that there are many courses on the market, time and financial resources are limited and the need to become effective in the shortest possible time is a real one.
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Yumeiho in sports

In the case of performance sports, physical wear of the body appears fairly quickly and is accelerated by the presence of postural imbalances. All this negatively affects the competitive results.
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Whether your problems are caused by deficient posture, sports or work, or you need rapid recovery, we are here to help you.

Useful readings
